Environmental Orientation

Environmental Orientation

August 28, 2007
11:00 a.m.- noon
301 Alcee Fortier Hall

This introduction to environmental opportunities in and out of the classroom features faculty from the Environmental Studies Program, student leaders from the Green Club, and staff from university sustainability programs.

It will be an easy opportunity to learn about the Environmental Studies major and minor, new degree programs, environmental courses, campus recycling, and opportunities for trips and service through the Green Club.

For more information, contact Liz Davey at 865-5145.

1 comment:

Amy Medtlie said...

If you are interested in an environmental advocacy internship at a great local nonprofit doing work on the Save Our Cypress campaign at Gulf Restoration Network, please contact Amy Medtlie at amy@healthygulf.org or call 525-1528 ext. 211. You can check out our website at www.healthygulf.org