Tulane Environmental Law & Policy Summit

Environmental Summit - April 3rd & 4th - Tulane Law School - FREE for students and Tulane Faculty or Staff

A New Administration, economic recovery, climate change ... what does it all mean for the environment and being GREEN? The 14th Annual Tulane Law School Summit on Environmental Law & Policy, April 3rd and 4th, 2009, will feature exciting multidisciplinary panels and speakers from around the country addressing what it means to be GREEN in times of change. Keynote addresses include Matt Peterson, President of Global Green, USA and famed author, Bill McKibben (End of Nature, Deep Economy).

Visit http://summit.law.tulane.edu for schedule of panels and registration, or e-mail envirolawsummit@tulane.edu with questions.

The Tulane Environmental Law & Policy Summit is the largest environmental conference in the Gulf Coast region. The Summit is sponsored by F. Gerald Maples, P.A. and Stephen M. Wiles and presented by the Tulane Environmental Law Society.

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