Bound by Water: The Tulane Law School Summit on Environmental Law & Policy

April 9-11, 2010

Presented by the Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy
and the Tulane Environmental Law Society

Water is one of the elemental forces that have shaped our planet and human development. Too much or too little of it can be the difference between growth and decline; between success and failure; and between how cultures develop. It has always been so and remains so today though not always in ways that our laws, policies and expectations are well tuned to deal with.

Changing climates, dwindling fresh water supplies, and shifting demands are bringing renewed attention to how our water resources are managed—and how they perhaps should be. This places water at the intersection of law and policy; science and technology; and culture, economics and environmental stewardship.

The Bound by Water summit will feature some of our nation’s most eminent experts on water law, policy, and management and will be of interest to lawyers, policy makers, planners, resource users, advocates, and others with an interest in how water management affects their community, business, or future.

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